Eloisa Morra

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Nazione di nascita



Eloisa Morra (1989) was born and raised in Italy. The recipient of a PhD from Harvard University in 2017,  she has lived in France, the US and Canada. Her work with languages spans scholarly and creative modes of inquiry, and a variety of media. Her critical study "Un allegro fischiettare nelle tenebre. Ritratto di Toti Scialoja" presented the first intellectual biography of painter, poet, and illustrator Toti Scialoja.  "Ritratto di Toti Scialoja" was published by Quodlibet, and recieved a Special mention at the Edinburgh Gadda Prize 2015. Other essays appeared in a range of journals, from Lettere Italiane and Forum Italicum to Italianistica, Nazione Indiana, L'Indice. In 2014 Morra curated the publication of Toti Scialoja's unpublished picture book Tre per un topo (Quodlibet 2014); she is currenly at work on a collection of essays on the formation of the literary canon in Renaissance Italy. Between 2014 and 2016 she was a curatorial intern at the Harvard Art Museums, and a research assistant for the Carpenter Center for Visual Arts. In 2014 Morra co-curated the exhibit "In Africa is another Story. Looking Back at Italian Colonialism" (Pusey Library, Harvard University);she regularly writes about art and visual studies for Flash Art, alias-il manifesto and other magazines. Morra taught Italian language, literature and art history at Harvard University, recieving grants from Villa I Tatti, the Lincoln Fund, GSAS, Scuola Normale Superiore, and the ISIME in Rome. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Italian Literature and Visual Studies at the University of Toronto.