On Empty Notes (video art)

On Empty Notes (video art)

Video Art 

The video art starts describing the isolation on empty space, in contrast with the river Tejo, reflected on the wall.

The girl playing piano on the wall, a link between the reality and our attempt to escape or to make sense of it.

There is a gap between them, the time to contemplate.  

That is how the empty space acquires new meanings and is reflected on the reality outside, with a new consciousness.    


‘We had time to go inside, we are ready to go outside'   

The image of the girl outside kneeling in front of the ocean, playing piano notes on the sky, represents  our faith and hope.

She is also lying in contact with the earth, where many questions are waiting for an answer.

She is submerged by the ocean water, symbol of purification, waiting for a new beginning.