DE.a.RE. – DEconstruct and Rebuild


A study day on artistic research and structural change

BARE- Skippergata 24 b4630 Kristiansand, Norway

October 21, 2023

The study day Gathering Spells is the closing event of the second year of the Creative Europe project DE.a.RE – DEconstruct and REbuild organized by BJCEM - Biennale des jeunes créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée.

This set of conferences and panels concludes a 50 hours online program held between July and September 2023 by the scientific committee of DE.a.RE (Denise Araouzou Alessandro Castiglioni Simone Frangi Svetlana Racanović) with the complicity of several guests (Corina Șuteu, Suzana Milevska, Marianna Takou, Emanuele Braga, Grégory Castéra, Justin Randolph Thompson, Giulia Gregnanin, Cristina Da Milano, Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù, Krystel Khoury, Chiara Cartuccia, Sinthujan Varatharajah).

You can follow the study day in streaming through the BJCEM Facebook page, accessible here.

DE.a.RE. is organized by BJCEM and co-funded by European Union.
