Vanessa Valdesolo

Arti Visive
Grafica E Illustrazione
Computer & Digital Art
I have been keen on art since I can remember(I was more or less three years old), thanks to my mummy who taught me to love all forms of art. My family always encouraged me but I was too shy to let people see my work. After years spent in painting for myself, my family and my friends, I decided to put myself to the test. Had I been timid, not wanting to play with and change what I painted, thinking only of success or failure I would not have learned and I wouldn’t have grown. I had to have faith in myself that no matter how far out I went I was learning by doing and I could make it work. From the moment I began painting everything I have done has been to experiment, trying to find a way to say things that are important to me while still making works of art. Each painting I have create has been a learning process, more I experiment the more I grow. As I have learned more, I realize that painting is a lot like life. Essentially we are always beginning in everything, everyday is a struggle to reach for something better. You are either going to be someone who lets difficulty defeat you or you are going to be someone who has a greater vision of success and will continue knowing there is better and you can reach it one day. Through that process you do get better. My subconcious makes me paint in an informal way. I am always searching for new materials to use in my paintings. I don't always use a canvas to paint on but I prefer unusual elements, for example: wood, cork, plasterboard...I like to experiment the use of all tipes of poor materials, applying on my board such thing as wax, sand, mortar, plaster, glue, varnish, enamels, ornaments with zippers, fabric, recycled materials... founding objects and incorporate them into my paintings. I have found that objects from everyday life make great statements about the world that we live in, for the simple reason that they come from it. Life is random and yet random things come together to produce a powerful whole. I see a history in each object and I use them to express my emotions or to talk about issues that affect us today. I am fascinated by color, materia an texture and paintings are a beautiful way of combining everything that I love. I give my work a kind of tridimentional effect, I always try to create an authentic and uncommon visual impact for those who observe and to recreate a special magic that mixes emotions and sensibility with colors. Usually type of colors that I use are acrylics, ecoline, guache ...  I am commited to making art that feeds imagination and emotion of people of all ages and backgrounds. I believe art should not be limited to the wealthy, the educated, or the underground, but should enrich the extraordinary lives of ordinary people. Art communicates things that I sense and feel visually, and reveal emotions that I can’t put into words. Art is a visual poem.    Vito Sutto: Vanessa Valdesolo: una pittura emozionale la sua, che si distingue in slanci cromatici e in intuizioni molto sicure. La tensione creativa si nutre di rossi e di colori caldi, il paesaggio è un territorio dell’esistenza, un moto dell’animo che prende consistenza grafica in un dinamismo e in una mobilità perenne. La follia per la vita, la fantasia e la vivacità sono le sue passioni che la cullano da sempre. Vanessa muore sempre dalla voglia di scoprire e di vedere le varie facce del sorriso dell’umanità. Vito Sutto (critico d’arte)